Thursday, November 12, 2009

KISS @ VOODOO FEST 2009 !!!!!!!!!

The Voodoo Music Experience
October 31, 2009
New Orleans, LA

You wanted the best, you got the best
the hottest band in the world
KISS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~~ My live videos, from Voodoo Fest, for Hotter than Hell, Strutter, Black Diamond, 100,000 Years, Dr. Love, Parasite, Deuce, Shout It Loud and part of the GRANDE FINALE of Rock~N~Roll All Night can be found on my youttube channel: ~~

Thank you, KISS, for the most amazing VOODOO Experience yet! Thirty five plus years and they are still simply the best LIVE band I've ever had the privilege of seeing (and I have seen many excellent live bands; but, NONE come close to the KISS extravaganza)!

KISS has perfected the live show for their audience; and I, for one, greatly appreciate their hard work, dedication and precision.
They are a well oiled rock~n~roll machine ~ with a heart and soul.
They feel a true responsibility to and appreciation for their fans and it shows. They WANT to give us their best ~ they WANT to give us more than we pay for ~ every time.

You can not help but get caught up in the "spirit" of a KISS show. The sound, the visuals, the platform boots, the fire, the blood, the butt shaking, the strutting, the glorious energy...

The KISS spirit enters you and you are transported to a magical place.
A place where all troubles are forgotten. A place you'll wish to return as often as possible!
I know I can't wait to see them again... and again... and again!

Hugs and Much Love,
(proud supporter of THE KISS ARMY)
*click on the thumbnails for a larger view*

Thank you, KISS!!!!!! Thank you VOODOO!!!!!

Hugs and Much Love,